So you have a gardening web site and you are not getting enough traffic to monetize it. Now, my personal opinion is that there is plenty of money to be made in the gardening niche. I think that this niche is undermarketed and that there is very high demand for new gardening techniques and products.
In fact, I will go on to say that I think that starting a gardening web site and promoting it right now, just before Spring, when people are thinking about gardening, is one of the best times to do it, and I think 2007 is the year to do it.
So, how do you promote your gardening web site$%: Now, I want you to remember that I am assuming that the gardening niche is ripe for exploitation (did I really use that word$%:) in 2007. I think that when something is coming into its most profitable time, that you should take all the steps necessary to become the very best. Do you want to dabble in gardening marketing online, or do you want to dominate the field$%:
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These techniques for gardening web site promotion are specifically designed to produce huge returns - but they must be done in the full-force manner I am describing, and the sooner, the better. Remember, you are not the only one reading this article!
Techniques for promoting you gardening web site:
1) Write 10 articles about gardening, and put your main url in the bio and also in the article itself, if possible. Now, some article directories may not permit the link in the body of the article, so create two versions, one with the link, one without.
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2) Submit 5 of the articles to at least 100 different article directories. This is critical for your search engine ranking success, and again, you want to be one of the first to do this after reading this article.
3) Submit the other 5 articles to just the top 10 article directories online, as ranked by pagerank.
4) Submit your main url to at least one hundred web directories, and as many as possible in the gardening niche.
5) This step is ongoing, and should be done after steps 1-4 are completed. Write 5 new articles per day and submit them to the top 10 article directories. Once per month, submit them to all 100 directories.